Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 5 - the PhD as a sanctuary

Over the last few days I've been thankful for the PhD. It has given me a real sense of refuge from a couple of big and persistent non-academic problems that have emerged. I have little control over the eventual outcomes of these, and so being "in charge" of my PhD progress has restored a welcome sense of balance.

Progress on the PhD has been good, on the whole. Two specific points have emerged. First, that a crude word count, whilst showing quantity, doesn't necessarily relate to quality. Secondly, unplugging from the internet and its myriad distractions for a few hours a day has promoted a keen sense of engagement with the work - possibly approaching a state of scholarship! I need to define this properly, but it's a good grown-up feeling, and is starting to be reflected in my writing, I think.

My formal assessment date will be sometime towards the end of February, so although the immediate pressure to complete  the document has eased, I've committed to a final complete version to my supervisor by next Friday 11th February.

I've developed a minor case of "blog envy" and have fiddled with a couple of things to perk this up - hence the fishy thing at the top to promote serenity and suchlike, and you can click on their panel to feed them! I'll try something else next week.

Meanwhile, in the real world, I've seen 127 Hours and Black Swan, both very good but neither of them comfy popcorn films.

So, let's hope next week brings some good things (and a bit of sunshine) for us all!

1 comment:

  1. Lovin the fish. Thought they were an advert for something and waited to see what happened. And now I have fed them and engaged with them :-)

    Have checked my social media early and read and noted an article so so far, so productive. Feeling like a scholar too - except surrounded by noises of building site, rather than peace and calm of a library. Does mean I can talk to myself tho...which I find I do when figuring things out. P said that made me a nutter...fair do-s... :-)

    Hope you are having a good. Seeing that document printed and bound yesterday must've been a big spur and motivation :-)
